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NATIONAL HUNT racing enthusiasts racing club

A fun racing club for lovers of National Hunt racing


The most fun and welcoming racing club by racing fans for racing fans

When you join a racing club or syndicate, you are probably like the members here at NHRE. You are in it for the thrill of the sport, and to enjoy great company and great days out with like-minded people.

If you want to get involved in National Hunt racing and breeding, then NHRE is a great group of people.

You’ll not only enjoy the racing, but you’ll make lifelong friends along the way.


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NHRE Racing Club Activities


Stable Visits

It’s not all about the racing, and club members have the opportunity to take part in stable visits up and down the country.

Meet the trainer

Meet the horses

Watch the gallops trials


Club Race Days

Our club race days are legendary. We group together to sponsor races, best-turned-out awards, and fundraise for charity

Race sponsorship

Stable staff support

Racing charity donations


Lunch Meet-Ups

Our club is not just about going horse racing. Many members meet for lunches on racedays and non-racedays.

Pub lunches

Fun with friends

Racing banter


Owners Badges

Because we are a small syndicate we are able to provide owners badges to most members who go racing.

Owners badges

Paddock experience

Meet the jockey


Race Sponsorship

When fifty people get together for our club days, everybody puts in a tenner to sponsor a race in the clubs name.

Giving back to racing

Supporting our sport

Raceday memories


Trainer Chats

On racedays and stable visits, we get to enjoy funny and educational talks from some of Britain’s top National Hunt trainers.

Stable visits

Chat with the trainer

Betting information

Building a non profit syndicate for all true racing fans of National Hunt and jump racing.

Many syndicates are built to make profits but that is not the model for the NHRE Racing Club. The syndicate grew from one woman’s passion for racing and a little facebook page that spurned into a group of 28,000 on Facebook.

The ideal of the club has, and always will be as a non-profit club where people can enjoy the sport as a fun and exciting pastime. This is why we only ever have a small number of members.

Meet Our Team

NHRE Racing Club

Come and join one of the most fun and friendly racing clubs/syndicates in the country. All are welcome, and you’ll make not just memories but true racing friends as well.


members have experienced the club


prize money won by club horses


racecourses have seen our silks carried


pints of beer and gin and tonics have been drunk along the way

Client Testimonials

Great Stable Visits

“The racing is fun but visiting various stables and trainers up and down the country is my favourite part of being a club member. We get to visit some of the best trainers and stables in National Hunt racing, and getting up close and personal to some of the superstars that we would normally see only on TV is a real treat.”

– Peter Dixon

Great Days Out

“I truly love my days out racing with the other members of the NHRE club. It’s great fun to spend time with people who share the same passion for national hunt racing and everybody is always there to enjoy a fun day out.”

Sally Peachey

The Best Racing Club

“The NHRE Club is one of my favourite racing clubs and I get to share my passion with my Dad who is now retired and its a passion we both share. Being involved with the NHRE racing club offers not only the chance to get into the paddock and chat with the jockey and trainer but has been a great place to meet racing friends who we stay in contact with and go racing with.”

– Cameron Murtagh

Great camaraderie and fun people

“The members of the NHRE club are great fun to be with and being in a group cheering your horse home is an absolute thrill. We are still waiting for another club winner but it’s not far away. But it’s not just racing, it’s also about building some great friendships along the way.”

Lorraine Foster